What You Should Not Do When You’re Grieving

By Anjana Motihar Chandra
  • Don’t suppress your feelings – allow yourself to cry and release your emotional pain.
  • Don’t isolate yourself – reach out to family and friends, stay connected over the phone if you can’t meet in person. Share your thoughts and feelings with those you feel safe with and don’t hesitate to ask for help, emotional support or whatever else you need, even if it’s just company to go for a walk.
  • Don’t interact with toxic people who drain your energy or make you feel bad about yourself.
  • Don’t neglect your health – make sure you eat nutritious meals, drink enough water to stay hydrated, exercise regularly and get the sleep your body needs to feel rested.
  • Don’t rush into anything or put pressure on yourself with shoulds and shouldn’ts. Allow yourself time to heal before taking any major decision or making any change in your life, if there’s no urgent need to do so.
  • Don’t overthink. Refrain from brooding over the past and replaying any painful memories in your mind, or thinking ahead to the future. Try to keep your attention on the present and live one day at a time. A daily meditation and mindfulness practice will enable you to stay centered and in the present, and help you have greater peace of mind.